Ohromný dokumentárny film z USA aký ste ešte nevideli, od Rudolf Vaský The Truth Seeker Production.Tento film bol natočený ešte koncom Apríla 2012 na Jamaica ave. v Queens ,N.Y. New York, USA
Hoci by aj bolo preukázané, že v minulosti Árijská rasa nikdy nebola, avšak napriek tomu my túžime, aby v budúcnosti tu bola. To je rozhodujúce stanovisko pre mužov konania
Though it were proved that there was never an Aryan race in the past, yet we desire that in the future there may be one. This is the decisive standpoint for men of action.
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
The black people are not the enemy of Aryan race ! The black people are the foundation of bringing the evolution of mankind to successful conclusion in the Glorious Rebirth of the Aryan race, in the unexpected rebirth of National Socialism.