Letter from PPC

Letter from PPC

Dostal jsem teď do pošty dopis od PPC.  Téma volby a kandidáti . Už jsme o tom v předstihu diskutovali. 

PPC hledá kandidáty pro 180 volebních okrsků , kterých je celkově 337. 

Tak to je katastrofa., více jak polovina volebních okrsků je neobsazena.


Kandidát PPC si musí kampaň a vše okolo zaplatit sám a to je při předvolebním průzkumu pro Ontario (5%) to samé , jako vlézt s těma prachama do casina.

Předem upozorňuji, speciálně tebe , Drifter – já na to nemam prachy, můj důchod je několik $ pod $1050 a dále jakákoliv získaná zkušenost je mi k hovnu díky mému věku.

Šance na zvolení nulové , například všichni moji kamarádi a známí až na dva co volí konservativce k volbám nikdo nedostane ani párem volů a to i v případě že bych kandidoval. 

Ale pokud toto někdo čte a cìtí se na to kandidovat, tak se tam rychle přihlašte.



Letter from PPC 

It’s very likely that an election will be called at the end of March.

This means there are only a few weeks left to find candidates in the remaining ridings where we still don’t have anyone to represent us.

In ridings with no PPC candidate, NOBODY will be able to vote for the PPC. It’s as simple as that.

So it’s absolutely crucial that we find patriots willing to put up their names on the ballot in the dozens of ridings across the country that are still vacant.

We have set up a new webpage with the list of all these vacant ridings, which you can also consult by province. 

Are you interested, or do you know someone who could be?

I absolutely understand that becoming a candidate may seem like a daunting challenge if you’ve never done it.

But any well-organized, articulate, and motivated person with a few hours to spare every week until election day can do it.

Remember that hundreds of ordinary Canadians, most of whom with no previous experience in politics, ran for the People’s Party in the last two elections!

If you want to be one of them, click here to apply.

Know someone who would be a great fit? Please forward this email!

All Canadians must have the option to vote for the PPC, and I need your help to assemble a full team in this crucial fight to save Canada!

Thanks a lot for your help,



My answer :

180 candidates necessary , it is to much. You will quickly find only idealistic dreamers, in worst case the opportunists.

The cards are already given, PPC has max.5% – in Ontario, everywhere else less.

I’m saying – let’s begin build basic party organisations in the election riddings and begin work at comunal level –

It is only the way how to come be known by the voters ! I can help in Peterborough.

To win in comming elections is sci-fi idea.


Lewis Dedik