Moritz Haslbauer – Galaxies lacking dark matter in the Illustris simulation  (CSS, Sep 26, 2018)

Moritz Haslbauer – Galaxies lacking dark matter in the Illustris simulation (CSS, Sep 26, 2018)


International Conference COSMOLOGY ON SMALL SCALES 2018, theme Dark Matter Problem and Selected Controversies in Cosmology, Prague, September 26–29, 2018, organized by Michal Krizek from the Czech Academy of Sciences and Yurii Dumin from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

There is a record of the lecture on Wednesday, September 26, 16:40 – 17:00:
Moritz Haslbauer, Galaxies lacking dark matter in the Illustris simulation (Argelander Institute for Astronomy, University of Bonn)

Conference topics:
Mathematical aspects of small-scale cosmological effects
Arguments for and against dark matter, and revisiting the foundations of physics
Alternative models for dark matter and dark energy
A systematic discord in the value of the Hubble constant at various scales
Local Hubble expansion – search for observational and laboratory evidence
Cosmological effects in localized astronomical systems
Complementary redshifts of non-cosmological nature
Quantum effects on the early universe and their observational imprints nowadays
